Authors |
Title |
Journal |
2010 |
Zak LJ, Patterson, J, Hancock, J, Hockley, D, Rogan, D, and Foxcroft, GR |
Benefits of synchronizing ovulation with porcine luteinizing hormone in a fixed-time insemination protocol in weaned multiparous sows |
Journal of Swine Health and Production
18:125-131 |
Novak S, Smith TA, Paradis F, Burwash L, Dyck MK, Foxcroft GR and Dixon WT |
Biomarkers of in vivo fertility in sperm and seminal plasma of fertile stallions |
74:956–967 |
Patterson, JL, Cameron, AC, Smith, TA, Kummer, AB, Schott, RL, Greiner, LL, Connor, JF and Foxcroft, GR |
The effect of PG600 at weaning on weaned primiparous sow performance |
Journal of Swine Health and Production
18:196-199 |
Patterson, JL, Beltranena, E and Foxcroft, GR |
The effect of gilt age at first estrus and breeding on third estrus on sow body weight changes and long-term reproductive performance |
Journal of Animal Science
88:2500-2513 |
Paradis, F, Moore, H, Novak, S, Dyck, MK, Dixon, WT and Foxcroft, GR |
Porcine preovulatory GV oocytes secrete soluble factors that modulate cumulus cell protein expression and potentially affect their steroidogenic ability in vitro |
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology
320:87-96 |
Novak, S, Ruiz-Sánchez, A, Dixon, WT, Foxcroft, GR and Dyck, MK |
Seminal plasma proteins as potential markers of relative fertility in boars |
Journal of Andrology
31:188-200 |
Foxcroft, GR, Dixon, WT, Dyck, M.K, Novak, S, Harding JCS and Almeida FCRL |
Prenatal programming of postnatal development in the pig |
Society of Reproduction and Fertility
S66:213-231 |
Paradis, F, Novak, S, Murdoch, G, Dyck, MK, Dixon, WT and Foxcroft, GR |
Temporal regulation ofBMP2,BMP6,BMP15,GDF-9,BMPR1A,BMPR1B,BMPR2andTGFBR1mRNA expression in the oocyte, granulosa and theca cells of developing pre-ovulatory follicles in the pig |
138:115–129. |
Martins, KJB., Murdoch, GK, Shu, Y, Harris, RL, Gallo, M, Dixon, WT, Foxcroft, GR, Gordon T and Putman, CT |
Satellite cell ablation attenuates short-term fast-to-slow fibre type transformations in rat fast-twitch skeletal muscle |
European Journal of Physiology
458:325-335 |
Langendijk, P, Dieleman, SJ, van Dooremalen, C, Foxcroft, GR, Gerritsen, R, Hazeleger, W, Soede, NM and Kemp, B |
LH and FSH secretion, follicle development, and oestradiol in sows ovulating or failing to ovulate in an intermittent suckling regime |
Reproduction, Fertility and Development
21:313-322 |
2008 |
Zak, LJ, Foxcroft,GR, Aherne, FX and Kirkwood, RN |
Role of luteinizing hormone in sow responses to split weaning |
Reproduction of Domestic Animals
43:445-450 |
DegensteinKL, O’Donoghue, R, Patterson, J, Beltranena, E, Ambrose, DJ, Foxcroft, GR and Dyck, MK |
Synchronization of ovulation in cyclic gilts with porcine luteinizing hormone (pLH) and its effects on reproductive function |
70:1075-1085 |
Patterson, J, Wellen, A, Hahn, M, Pasternak, A, Lowe, J, DeHaas, S, Kraus, D, Williams, N and Foxcroft, G |
Responses to delayed estrus after weaning in sows using oral progestagen treatment |
Journal of Animal Science
86:1996-2004 |
Tse, W-Y, Town, SC, Murdoch, GK, Novak, S, Dyck, MK, Putman, CT, Foxcroft, GR and Dixon, WT |
Uterine crowding in the sow affects litter sex ratio, placental development and embryonic myogenin expression in early gestation |
Reproduction, Fertility and Development
20:497-504 |
2007 |
Vinsky, MD, Paradis, F, Dixon, WT, Dyck, MK and Foxcroft, GR |
Ontogeny of metabolic effects on embryonic development in lactating and weaned primiparous sows |
Reproduction, Fertility and Development
19:603-611 |
Vinsky, MD, MurdochGK, Dixon,WT, Dyck,MK and Foxcroft, GR |
Altered epigenetic variance in surviving litters from nutritionally restricted lactating primiparous sows |
Reproduction, Fertility and Development
19:430-435 |
Price, MA, Yambayamba, ESK and Foxcroft, GR |
Does growth hormone have influence on compensatory growth in restricted re-fed growing beef heifers? |
Zambian Journal of Veterinary Science
October:7-10 |
N/A |
2006 |
Vinsky, MD, Novak, S, Dixon, WT Dyck, MK and Foxcroft, GR |
Nutritional restriction in lactating primiparous sows selectively affects female embryo survival and overall litter development |
Reproduction, Fertility and Development
18:347-355 |
Ruiz-Sánchez, AL,O’Donoghue, R, Novak, S, Dyck, MK, Cosgrove, JR, Dixon, WT, and Foxcroft, GR |
The predictive value of routine semen evaluation and IVF technology for determining relative boar fertility |
66:736-748 |
Martins, KJB, Gordon, T, Pette, D, Dixon, WT, Foxcroft, GR, MacLean, IM and Putman CT |
Effect of satellite cell ablation on low-frequency stimulated fast-to-slow fibre-type transitions in rat skeletal muscle |
Journal of Physiology (London)
572:281-294 |
Foxcroft, GR, Dixon, WT, Novak, S, Putman, CT, Town, SC and Vinsky, MDA |
The biological basis for prenatal programming of postnatal performance |
Journal of Animal Science(E-Supplement)
E:105-112 |
2005 |
2004 |
Miller, Foxcroft, and Aherne |
Increasing feed intake in late gestation does not affect plasma progesterone concentration in the sow |
62:1618-1626 |
Town, SC, Putman,CT, Turchinsky, J, Dixon,WT and Foxcroft,GR |
Number of conceptuses in vitro affects porcine fetal muscle development |
128:443-454 |
Town, SC, Patterson, JL, Pereira, C, Gourley, G and Foxcroft, GR |
Embryonic and fetal development in a commercial dam-line genotype |
Animal Reproduction Science
85:301-316 |
2003 |
Willis, HJ, Zak, L and Foxcroft, GR |
Lactation length effects on sow endocrinology, folliculogenesis and in vitro and in vivo embryo development |
Journal of Animal Science
81:2088-2102 |
Novak, S, Almeida, FCRL, Cosgrove, JR, Dixon, WT and Foxcroft, GR |
Effect of pre- and post- mating nutritional manipulation on plasma progesterone, blastocyst development and the oviductal environment during early pregnancy in gilts |
Journal of Animal Science
81:772-783 |
Clowes, EJ, Aherne, FX, Schaefer, AL, Foxcroft, GR and Baracos, VE |
Parturition body size and body protein loss during lactation influence performance during lactation and ovarian function at weaning in first parity sows |
Journal of Animal Science
81:1517-1528 |
Clowes, EJ, Aherne, FX, Foxcroft, GR and Baracos, VE |
Selective protein loss in lactating sows is associated with reduced litter growth and ovarian function |
Journal of Animal Science
81:753-764 |
2002 |
Vonnhame, KA, Wilson, ME, Foxcroft, GR and Ford, SP |
Impacts on conceptus survival in a commercial swine herd |
Journal of Animal Science
80:553-559 |
Patterson, JL, Ball, RO, Willis, HJ, Aherne, FX and Foxcroft, GR |
The effect of lean growth on puberty attainment in gilts |
Journal of Animal Science
80:1299-1310 |
Patterson, JL, Willis, HJ, Kirkwood, RN and Foxcroft, GR |
Impact of boar exposure on puberty attainment in gilts |
57:2015-2025 |
Novak, S, Treacy, BK, Almeida, FRCL., Mao, J, Buhi, W.C, Dixon, WT and Foxcroft, GR |
Regulation of IGF-I and porcine oviductal secretory protein (pOSP) secretion into the pig oviduct in the peri-ovulatory period, and effects of previous nutrition |
Reproduction, Nutrition and Development
42:355-372 |
2001 |
Patterson, JL, Willis, HJ, Kirkwood, RN and Foxcroft, GR |
Lack of an effect of prostaglandin injection at estrus onset on the time of ovulation and on reproductive performance in weaned sows |
56:913-921 |
Mao, J, Treacy, BK, Almeida, FRCL, Novak, S, Dixon, WT and Foxcroft, GR |
Feed restriction and insulin treatment affect subsequent luteal function in the immediate post-ovulatory period in pigs: progesterone production in vitro and mRNA expression for key steroidogenic enzymes |
Biology of Reproduction
64:359-367 |
Almeida, FRCL, Mao, J, Novak, S, Cosgrove, JR and Foxcroft, GR |
Effects of patterns of feed restriction and insulin treatment during the luteal phase on reproductive, metabolic and endocrine parameters in cyclic gilts |
Journal of Animal Science
79:200-212 |
2000 |
Zhu, J, Xu, X, Cosgrove, JR and Foxcroft, GR |
Effects of seminal plasma from different fractions of individual ejaculates on ivf in pigs |
54:1443-1452 |
Yang, H, Foxcroft, GR, Pettigrew, JE, Johnston, LJ, Shurson, GC, Costa, AN and Zak, LJ |
Impact of dietary lysine intake during lactation on follicular development and oocyte maturation in primiparous sows |
Journal of Animal Science
78:1001-1009 |
Miller, HM, Foxcroft, GR and Aherne, FX |
Increasing food intake in late gestation improved sow condition throughout lactation but did not affect piglet viability or growth rate |
Animal Science
71:141-148 |
Foxcroft, GR, Dixon, WT, Treacey, BK, Jiang, L, Novak, S, Mao, J and Almeida, FRCL |
Insights into conceptus-reproductive tract interactions in the pig |
Journal of Animal Science
77:1-15 |
Almeida, FRCL, Kirkwood, RN, Aherne, FX and Foxcroft, GR |
Consequences of different patterns of feed intake during the estrous cycle in gilts on subsequent fertility |
Journal of Animal Science
78:1556-1563 |
Almeida, FRCL, Novak, S and Foxcroft, GR |
Moment of ovulation in relation to estrus duration in gilts |
53:1389-1396 |